How to stay safe playing online Games

Author(s):  Alexander Brooks, Year 8

Playing games online can be fun but you also need to be careful. In this post I will tell you all about staying safe online when gaming. I will cover: friend requests, what information to tell people and how to treat others online.

When playing games like Fortnite, PUBG or COD Warzone, there is not a running chat throughout the match, only a feed of text telling you if you thanked the bus driver or killed XX Hockey Cob.TTV or Adamupidedown09. So people can not send you harmful messages, but they can copy your name and send you friend requests – if you receive a random friend request, decline it or do not accept it. If they send out multiple friend requests, block them, never accept them. Only accept friend requests from people you know. If you accidentally accept one, remove them instantly, they could send harmful messages or lure you in.

If you are playing a game like Roblox or Minecraft, people can put harmful messages into the in-game chat that is always there, in these games you can hide this chat. If you receive a friend-request, the same applies as in the other games above.

If a random player in any-game asks you your address, age, birthdate, location, bank details, passwords or contact information (phone number, E-Mail address or social media), leave the game, block the person and report them. Never give them any of your confidential information. The result of you giving the person your info is them taking your identity, bullying you or using your bank-card for themselves.

You should treat other people respectfully online and never ask them for their private information. If you encounter cyberbullying try and stop them and block them so they do not bully you. Remember to stay safe and follow my guidance.

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